Framework agreement Audiovisual equipment and software


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2023-02-22 09:41 (GMT+01:00)


IKT Nordhordland kommunalt oppgåvefellesskap IKT Nordhordland kommunalt oppgåvefellesskap
Bjørn Tore Vaktskjold
Hagellia 6
5914 Isdalstø


Alver, Aurland, Austrheim, Austevoll, Fedje, Gulene, Masfjorden, Modalen, Osterøy, Samnanger, Vaksdal Municipalities have established a joint ICT operation company, IKT Nordhordland Kommunalt Oppgåvefellesskap (IKTNH). IKT Nordhordland Kommunalt Oppgåvefellesskap is, on behalf of the collaboration, holding a tender contest for: PROCUREMENT OF AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE The contract will mainly include the following equipment: • Interactive screens / Software / Applications • LED screens • Touchscreens / Monitors • Infoscreen software • Wireless connections to screeens • Accessories and periphery equipment • LED wall – and/or as an alternative to screens • Digital registration/visit system The framework agreement will cover the need for AV equipment for approximately 51 schools and approximately 35 municipal nurseries. The municipalities have 11 town halls with meeting rooms and other communal rooms. In addition there will be other municipal buildings.

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