Market survey for maternal pertussis vaccines


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
Ej tillämpligt
2023-02-22 09:25 (GMT+01:00)


Folkehelseinstituttet Folkehelseinstituttet
Ole Andreas Fuglesang
Lovisenberggata 8
0456 OSLO

Kort beskrivning

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) [Folkehelseinstituttet (FHI)] is looking into the possibility of introducing maternal vaccination (of pregnant women) against pertussis. In order to survey potential tenderers, as well as your desire and ability to delivery vaccines, FHI would like to like to collect non-binding information from the market. The market survey consists of 4 questions that NIPH would like answered. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) [Folkehelseinstituttet (FHI)] is looking into the possibility of introducing pertussis vaccination during pregnancy (maternal vaccination). Currently, there is no pure pertussis vaccine available with a Norwegian marketing license. It will therefore be necessary to use a multivalent booster vaccine. Studies show that vaccination of mothers against polio during pregnancy can lead to a reduced effect of subsequent vaccinations against polio in newborns (blunting). It is therefore assessed as being the most practical to carry out maternal vaccination with a combination vaccine without a polio component. In practice, this would mean a combination vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. As of today, funding has not been clarified, but NIPH expects to receive clarification in connection with the revised national budget to be presented in May 2023. If funding for 2023 is confirmed, it would be preferable to begin maternal vaccination in the municipalities by Q4 2023. In such cases, NIPH will aim to procure a minimum of 30,000 doses in 2023 and then approx. 55,000 doses per year. If it is decided to go ahead with the procurement, NIPH aims to enter into a contract with a duration of 2+1+1 years, wherein the last two years are option periods. NIPH aims for an efficient procurement process (for the contracting authority and the tenderer). Requirements will be set for the vaccine to be a vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, to have a valid Norwegian marketing license and to be approved for use for maternal vaccination. Other criteria and requirements may also be set. In order to survey potential tenderers, as well as your desire and ability to delivery vaccines, FHI would like to like to collect non-binding information from the market. NIPH requests interested tenderers to respond to the following questions (below). The market survey is non-binding for all parties. NIPH is not obliged to consider or respond to any input, but all input will be assessed in NIPH's planning of the potential procurement. NIPH requests that responses be submitted through the messaging function in the tender management tool (Norwegian: KGV). Questions: Name, org. no. and address of the company. 1. Would the company be interested in participating in an open tender contest for the delivery of a combination vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis with an expected announcement in May-June 2023? 2. How many doses does the company estimate it will be able to provide in 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2026? 3. In order for the company to deliver doses to NIPH by 1 November 2023, what is the final deadline for NIPH to order vaccine doses? 4. Does the company have any other input to NIPH's outlined procurement? Confidentiality: NIPH will treat information provided in the responses to the market survey as confidential within the framework of the Freedom of Information Act. Tenderer responses will not be automatically published for other tenderers.

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