Fire extinguishing equipment - framework agreement for goods and services


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2023-02-15 09:33 (GMT+01:00)


Anders Stensås
7491 Trondheim


Framework agreement for the delivery and inspection of extinguishing equipment in NTNU's buildings in Trondheim. The contract will ensure that NTNU has access to goods and services connected to fire extinguishing equipment. As a rule, the Property Department inspects the extinguishing equipment itself, but at times there will be a need for assistance from an external company. In addition there is a continual need to procure new extinguishers, signs, etc. NTNU currently has approx. 2315 extinguishing apparatuses, of which approx. 50% are CO2 apparatuses, and approx. 972 are hoses.

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