Market survey - Framework agreement for office furniture


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
Ej tillämpligt
2023-01-10 09:43 (GMT+01:00)


Sola kommune Sola kommune
Lise Gro Bjørnsen Lise Gro Bjørnsen
Postboks 99
4097 Sola

Kort beskrivning

Folkehallene, Randaberg municipality, Sola municipality and Sandnes municipality, hereinafter called the Contracting Authority, are preparing to procure a framework agreement for the purchase of new office furniture, delivery and installation of office furniture, and consultancy services for furniture recommendations. The contracting authority would like to have a good dialogue with the market, so that the contest can be held in the best possible way. We would, therefore, like to invite relevant tenderers to participate in the market survey. Framework agreement for office furniture - Randaberg municipality

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