Pest control and food safety contract in Sarpsborg Municipality


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2022-12-19 09:23 (GMT+01:00)


Sarpsborg kommune Sarpsborg kommune
Venera Mehmeti Venera Mehmeti
Postboks 237
1702 Sarpsborg


The contract will include the following: - Service contract for pest control at the contracting authority's properties/installations. - Site inspections and consultancy services on the pest problems with concrete proposals for solutions/measures for an efficient and planned reduction of the pests. - Individual assignments, where the tenderer will, upon request from the contracting authority, turnout to a specified property to deal with an acute pest problem. - Food safety contract - Products and solutions that are included in pest control.

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