A market dialogue for establishment of a pilot project for a logistics terminal for freight in the centre of Asker


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
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2022-12-07 09:23 (GMT+01:00)


Asker kommune Asker kommune
Tommy Hestem
Postboks 353
1372 Asker

Kort beskrivning

Asker Municipality invites tenderers to a market dialogue where the objective is to receive input and get in contact with stakeholders to the project. The municipality wants to enter into a 3 year contract for a pilot test for a logistics terminal for freight in the centre of Asker. The municipality is looking for: 1) The hire of a building plot or areas in current buildings 2) Co-operation with an operator for the operation of the terminal See the attached invitation documentation via the URL in point 1.3 The pilot shall be a part of a larger innovation project which shall contribute to increase the percentage of filling in the freight transport business and achieve a more sustainable 'last mile' transport with, among other things, reduced greenhouse gas emissions. The concept for the terminal will be developed in a collaboration between the landowner/landlord, the operator, Asker municipality and local businesses. Experience can be taken from, among other things, similar types of establishments at Fornebuporten in Bærum. The project is a part of the inter-municipal project Varelogistikk i E18 Vestkorridoren', with Oslo, Bærum, Asker and Drammen municipalities. The project 'Varelogistikk i E18 Vestkorridoren' would like the four municipalities to find uniform and open systems for freight transport, which adapt to the needs for freight deliveries to inhabitants and businesses. The systems will also contribute to national climate goals being reached, and will reduce transport costs through better use of capacity, more use of ICT, and the development of new logistics systems.

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