Consultant 1 (consultant 2) - Purchasing suppoer PFT, c/o Eiendoms og administrative anskaffelser


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Selektivt förfarande
2022-12-02 09:46 (GMT+01:00)


Politiets fellestjenester Politiets fellestjenester
Linda Stoll Siv Lund
Fridtjof Nansens vei 14
0369 OSLO


Norwegian Police Shared Services (Norwegian: PFT) needs to hire 2 consultants. The consultant shall mainly assist PFT, Eiendoms- og administrative anskaffelser [Section for Administrative Procurements] with procurements governed by the Public Procurement Act (LOA) / the Public Procurement Regulations (FOA) parts I, II and III. There are two lots in the tender contest. If the tenderer is offering 1 consultant, the offer must be entered under the lot 'Consultant 1'. If the tenderer is offering 2 consultants, the offer for consultant 1 must be entered under lot 'Consultant 1' and the offer for consultant 2 must be entered under lot Consultant 2'.

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