Tilbudsfase: TMS (Transport Management System) and VTS (Vehicle Tracking System)


2023-03-30 15:01 (GMT+02:00)
2023-04-14 13:00 (GMT+02:00)


Trafikselskabet Movia Trafikselskabet Movia
Andreas Knop Andreas Knop
GL. Køge Landevej 3
2500 Valby

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

This Contract concerns the acquisition, delivery, operation, maintenance and support of a standard Transport Management System (TMS) and Vehicle Management System (VMS).

Detta är steg 2 i en tvåstegs upphandling. Klicka på den här länken för att se förkvalificeringen och relaterade dokument: TMS (Transport Management System) and VTS (Vehicle Tracking System)

Dokument (klicka på filnamnet för att ladda ner)

Namn Filstorlek
Appendix 01.A - The supplier's overall schedule - v1.0.docx 64 KB
Appendix 02 - Solution requirements specification - v1.0.docx 66 KB
Appendix 05 - Situation and Customer’s IT environment - v1.0.docx 728 KB
Appendix 05.C Movia Real Time System (RPS) - Requirements for vehicle RPS equipment - v.1.0.docx 671 KB
Appendix 06 - Customer's participation and other preconditions - v1.0.docx 63 KB
Appendix 06.A - The supplier's expectation of the customer's participation -v. 1.0.docx 62 KB
Appendix 07 - Documentation - v1.0.docx 67 KB
Appendix 11 - Change management - v1.0.docx 32 KB
Appendix 12 - Data processing agreement - v1.0.docx 78 KB
Appendix A__template.docx 95 KB
Appendix B__Template.docx 98 KB
Appendix 09 - Cooperation and organization - v1.1.docx 79 KB
Appendix 00 - Definitions - v2.0.docx 73 KB
Appendix 01 - Time schedule requirements - v2.0.docx 103 KB
Appendix 02.A - Non-functional requirements - v2.0.docx 89 KB
Appendix 02.B - Functional requirements - TMS - v2.0docx 1014 KB
Appendix 02.C - Functional requirements - VTS - v2.0.docx 126 KB
Appendix 02.D - Clarification, Establishment, and Implementation requirements - v2.0.docx 143 KB
Appendix 04 - Remuneration and payment schedule - v2.0.docx 67 KB
Appendix 04.A - Suppliers pricelist - v2.0.xlsx 42 KB
Appendix 10 - Operation, maintenance, support and further development - v2.0.docx 93 KB
Appendix 13 - Security and compliance - v2.0.docx 76 KB
Appendix C - Solemn declaration COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) 2022-576 Article 5K - v2.0 28 KB
Tender conditions TMS VTS - v2.0.docx 102 KB
Appendix 08 - Tests - v2.0.docx 79 KB
Appendix 03 - Solution description and standard terms - v2.1.docx 62 KB
Main contract TMS VTS - v 2.1.docx 92 KB

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