Category 4 - Power-to-X and pilot projects


2022-10-09 11:21 (GMT+02:00)
2032-10-06 09:00 (GMT+02:00)


Evida Service A/S Evida Service A/S
Sara Samadi Ivan Smedegaard Meic
Vognmagervej 14
8800 Viborg

Kort beskrivning

Power-to-X and pilot projects must be understood, but not limited to, feasibility studies whereeconomic and technical prerequisites must be clarified and analyzed. In addition, the taskscan, for example, be an analysis about a distribution network for methane, hydrogen and CO2or other tasks where green transition is considered.

Filer från huvudupphandlingen

Namn Filstorlek
Tender Conditions - AFT-2022-00044.pdf 257 KB
Letter of Commitment.docx 30 KB
Questions and Answers_30.09.22.pdf 100 KB

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