Global Accommodation Services 2023-2024 (2026)


21 - Sociala tjänster och andra särskilda tjänster – offentliga kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2022-09-26 09:39 (GMT+02:00)
2022-09-29 11:00 (GMT+02:00)


Hansel Oy Hansel Oy
PL 1386
00101 Helsinki

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Hansel Oy acts as a central purchasing body for central and local governments in Finland. Customers entitled to use this framework agreement are listed in annex 5 "Customers". During the term of the framework agreement, minor changes may occur to the Customers entitled to use the Framework agreement, for example due to changes in the Customers' names, organizational changes, reorganisations of tasks and similar arrangements. An up-to-date Customer list can be found on Hansel's online service. Hansel invites tenders for hotel accommodation services in Brussels (lots 1-6), Stockholm (lot 7), Copenhagen (lot 8) and Oslo (lot 9) in accordance with this call for tenders and its annexes. In addition to hotel accommodation services in Brussels, Stockholm, Copenhagen or Oslo tenderers may offer hotel accommodation services in optional cities (see Annex 2 "Price Quotation Form"). Both parties have a sole right to remove Hotels in optional cities during the agreement period (see Annex 3 "Agreement" section 25.4.) The tendered rates for optional hotels are only accepted to this framework agreement if the tenderer is accepted as a supplier for hotel accommodation services in Brussels, Stockholm, Copenhagen and/or Oslo. The tenderer can not offer accommodation services only in optional cities. Tendering hotel accommodation services in optional cities is voluntary and the offered rates are not included in the comparison of tenders. Specifications and requirements for services are defined in more detail in call for tenders and its annexes, in particular Annex 1 "Subject Matter". It is estimated that ministries are largest users of the framework agreement regarding to Customers (see Annex 5 "Customers") that are entitled to use the framework agreement.

Dokument (klicka på filnamnet för att ladda ner)

Namn Filstorlek
Global Accommodation Services 2023-2024 (2026).zip 1,94 MB
Global Accommodation Services 2023-2024 (2026).pdf 509 KB

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