Procurement - welfare technology, 2022


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
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2022-07-07 09:16 (GMT+02:00)


Ålesund kommune Ålesund kommune
Gina Olsnes Gina Olsnes
6025 Ålesund

Kort beskrivning

The municipalities in Sunnmøre are organised through a procurement collaboration that is managed by Ålesund Municipality - the Procurement Collaboration in Sunnmøre. The procurement collaboration consists of 14 municipalities, and will now start a 2nd round for the procurement of welfare technology systems. Framework agreements were signed in 2017 and 2018 for the delivery of patient signalling installations for institutions and a safety package (including, amongst other things, safety alarms/HUB, digital supervision, etc.). The framework agreements expire in spring 2023, and must therefore be replaced through a new procurement process. Several of the municipalities will also start using Helseplattform in 2023, and it is important for us that the procurement(s) allow and see to relevant integrations and work processes for this platform. The municipalities in Sunnmøre are organised through a procurement collaboration that is managed by Ålesund Municipality - the Procurement Collaboration in Sunnmøre. The procurement collaboration consists of 14 municipalities, and will now start a 2nd round for the procurement of welfare technology systems. Framework agreements were signed in 2017 and 2018 for the delivery of patient signalling installations for institutions and a safety package (including, amongst other things, safety alarms/HUB, digital supervision, etc.). The framework agreements expire in spring 2023, and must therefore be replaced through a new procurement process. Several of the municipalities will also start using Helseplattform in 2023, and it is important for us that the procurement(s) allow and see to relevant integrations and work processes for this platform. Note! There will be staff holidays in the period 01.07 - 15.08.22. Any questions that tenderers have can be sent to: 01.07 - 22.07: Gina Olsnes - 01.08 - 30.08.22: Marie Thorstensen -

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