Request For Information regarding leasing two (2) aircraft to bolster the existing RDAF transport capacity


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
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2022-06-20 09:19 (GMT+02:00)


Danish Defence Aquisition and Logistics Organisation Danish Defence Aquisition and Logistics Organisation
Jesper Lohse Ingvardsen
Lautrupbjerg 1-5
2750 Ballerup

Kort beskrivning

The Danish Defense Acquisition and Logistics Organization ('DALO') are seeking information regarding leasing two (2) aircraft to bolster the existing RDAF transport capacity. Therefore the aim of this RFI (Request for Information) is to gather information from the supplier market in order to enable DALO to prepare a possible future tender. The Danish Defense Acquisition and Logistics Organization ('DALO') is considering a possible EU tender for leasing two (2) aircraft to bolster the existing RDAF transport capacity. The aircraft are intended to be utilized primarily in passenger transport role (e.g. VIP), but may also be utilized for light cargo transport. The aircraft will not be operated in known military threat environments. The aircraft will be operated from Aalborg (EKYT). Therefore the aim of this RFI is to gather information from the supplier market in order to enable DALO to prepare a possible future tender. In order to receive the Request for Information questionnaire, please contact Category Manager Jesper Lohse Ingvardsen via e-mail: We kindly ask you to respond by 1st August 2022

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