Framework agreement for medicines, pharmaceutical products, multidose medicines and pharmaceutical inspection


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2022-05-27 10:21 (GMT+02:00)


Rakkestad kommune Rakkestad kommune
Rannveig Kjørvik Rannveig Kjørvik
Rådhusveien 8
1890 Rakkestad


Rakkestad municipality (henceforth referred to as the contracting authority) invites tenderers to an open tender contest for a framework agreement regarding the procurement of medicines, pharmaceutical products, multidose medicines and pharmaceutical inspection. The tender contest is carried out in accordance with the Public Procurement Regulations. The objective of the invitation to tender is to enter into a framework agreement for the procurement of medicines and specific pharmacy products, dose packed medicines/multidose as well as pharmaceutical inspection/advice. The costs involved in packing multidose for persons living at home will be paid by the contracting authority and are included in the agreement. Medicines for home residents are paid for by the individual and are not not included in the agreement. Medical consumables are also not included.

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