Provision of vacuum services on the CERN site


2022-05-18 13:02 (GMT+02:00)


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Kort beskrivning

Pavadinimas Provision of vacuum services on the CERN site
Trumpas pirkimo aprašymas CERN intends to place a framework service contract for the: - Assembly of large vacuum systems equipped with metallic gaskets, according to ultra high vacuum (UHV) procedures, - High-sensitivity leak detection using helium as a tracer gas. - Work in a radioactive environment. - Maintenance of vacuum equipment like turbo-molecular pumping stations, helium leak detectors, cold cathode gauges and residual gas analysers, - Installation and operation of bake-out equipment on large UHV systems. The work has to be carried out in: - a dedicated workshop on vacuum components, - in clean rooms for the installation of RF equipment in cryostats, - in accelerator tunnels on large sectors of the accelerator vacuum systems (several hundred meters, several cubic meters) or on large cryogenic systems. The work may be performed in the presence of a high helium background or in a radiactive environment.

Perkančioji organizacija CERN, 108967751

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