Procurement of services for the facilitation, implementation, and management of cloud services.


02 - Meddelande om upphandling
Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2022-05-13 10:18 (GMT+02:00)
2022-06-13 12:00


Nasjonalt utviklingssenter for barn og unge Nasjonalt utviklingssenter for barn og unge
Sebastian Lervik
Postboks 7053 Majorstuen
0306 Oslo

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The aim of the contract for the contracting authority is to get a new IT system based on standardised cloud services that will cover the need for stable, flexible, scaleable, and secure management and operation of all of the contracting authority's system landscape and all its users. The aim is to simplify, be more cost efficient, reduce risk, and create better premises for the further development of IT based systems through consolidation of infrastructure and the standardisation of services.

Mercell Commerce

Del av Mercellgruppen, en av Europas ledande leverantörer av elektroniska upphandlings- och anbudssystem på den professionella marknaden.

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