RFI: M4000 metro vehicles for Oslo


2022-05-09 11:51 (GMT+02:00)


Sporveien AS Sporveien AS
Nils Harald Løvdal Roland
Økernveien 9
0608 Oslo

Kort beskrivning

Sporveien is aware that certain markets and supply chains have been particularly impacted by the war in Ukraine and the associated trade sanctions implemented against Russia and Belarus. Planning for the procurement process for new vehicles for the Oslo Metro, Sporveien would like to get a better understanding of how these matters, combined with any potential continuing effects from the Covid 19 pandemic, may impact on price and delivery, and to what extent these concerns, or risks may be sensitive to or impacted by the delivery time Sporveien may make available for delivery of the Vehicles.

Dokument (klicka på filnamnet för att ladda ner)

Namn Filstorlek
KON-01401.Request for Information.264981.pdf 142 KB

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