Contract for the operation of and support for Unit4 ERP and Unit4 T&E for Nye Veier.


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2022-04-11 09:43 (GMT+02:00)


Nye Veier Nye Veier
Rahwat Abdullah
Kjøita 6
4630 Kristiansand


The contracting authority shall enter into an agreement with 1 tenderer. The contractual relationship will be regulated by SSA-L [Agreement concerning Ongoing Purchases of Services via the Internet] with associated appendixes. Nye Veier shall enter into a new contract for operational and support services for the company's existing ERP system Unit4 ERP and the existing travel expenses system Unit4 T&E (Current). The contract period is 3 years with an option for 5 years extension. Unit4 ERP and Unit4 T&E (Current) are central applications in Nye Veier's system landscape, and the main aim of the procurement is to ensure efficient operation of and support for the applications, adapted to the contracting authority's needs. The procurement will ensure uniform and overall operation, maintenance, and user support, and we would like to procure this 'as a service'. In general the contract will cover: • Application operation and software maintenance of Unit4 ERP and Unit4 T&E (Current) • Security • Application licences for Unit4 ERP and Unit4 T&E (Current) • User support / support, as well as further development of the system (technical and functional advice).

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