Invitation too a market dialogue - new quality system for internal control


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
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2022-04-07 09:16 (GMT+02:00)


Lillestrøm Kommune Lillestrøm Kommune
Innkjøp - Kari Måseide Sørlie
Jonas Liesg. 18
2000 Lillestrøm

Kort beskrivning

Lillestrøm Municipality (LK) hereby invites the market to participate in a dialogue on a coming procurement of systems for internal control and process documentation. We would like modern tools that meet the requirements for internal control in the Local Government Act, section 25. The systems must 'hang together', be seamless, and available for employees via the municipality's portals and mobile platforms, including Office 365, which is the municipality's interaction platform. Documentation that is to be archived must be saved in the municipality's archive system p360. The aim of the dialogue meetings is to provide further information on the municipality's needs and challenges, as well as receive input from the market on what systems are currently available and what is planned for the future. Lillestrøm Municipality (LK) hereby invites the market to participate in a dialogue on a coming procurement of systems for internal control and process documentation. We would like modern tools that meet the requirements for internal control in the Local Government Act, section 25. The systems must 'hang together', be seamless, and available for employees via the municipality's portals and mobile platforms, including Office 365, which is the municipality's interaction platform. Documentation that is to be archived must be saved in the municipality's archive system p360. The aim of the dialogue meetings is to provide further information on the municipality's needs and challenges, as well as receive input from the market on what systems are currently available and what is planned for the future.

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