Civil work Kårstø process plant, Sture terminal, and Kollsnes process plant


07 - Kvalificeringssystem – försörjningssektorerna
Ej tillämpligt
2022-03-30 09:57 (GMT+02:00)


Equinor Energy AS Equinor Energy AS
Ingrid Eline Tøsdal
Forusbeen 50

Kort beskrivning

The contract will cover work within the following main areas under contractor work: • Multi-disciplinary maintenance and assistance • Condition checks/inspection • Other services including: o Engineering design o Support for 1st and 2nd line stand-by o Participate in oil pollution actions (beach cleaning, etc.) These will be assignments within the following fields/disciplines: • Maintenance/construction of buildings, including concrete buildings, steel buildings, barracks, etc. • Maintenance of concrete bridges • Foundations and pipe supports • Maintenance of main dishes for bringing gas pipelines onto land • Fences, including boundary protection, gates, rotating gates, etc. • Cable ditches/culverts • Quays • Tanks • Maintenance of tunnels • Excavation work • Underground pipe installations, (concrete, GRE, GRP, PVC, PE, pipe renewal/pipe stockings, etc.) • Maintenance of roads and open spaces • Winter maintenance on roads and open spaces • Clearing buildings/constructions

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