Dynamic purchasing system for the hire/procurement of large machines


02 - Meddelande om upphandling
Selektivt förfarande
2022-03-11 10:14 (GMT+01:00)
2027-03-07 23:59


Rælingen kommune Rælingen kommune
Gjertrud Bryge Kaasa

Kort beskrivning

Rælingen Municipality, mainly c/o the Agency for Municipal Engineering, has a continual need to procure large machines. The unit is responsible for the development and care of the municipality's infrastructure and all municipal outside areas. The agency is also responsible for the development of, engineering design services for, and execution of investment projects, the operation and maintenance of municipal roads, foot and cycle paths, street lights, water and sewage, sports centres and recreational areas, waste management, and management of the municipality's game and fishing rights.

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