Dynamic purchasing system - Furniture for offices and conference rooms, primary schools and comprehensive schools and before- and after school-programmes, nurseries and communal rooms at institutions.


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
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2021-11-26 10:08 (GMT+01:00)


Sarpsborg kommune Sarpsborg kommune
Venera Mehmeti Venera Mehmeti
Postboks 237
1702 Sarpsborg


Sarpsborg municipality invites tenderers to a restricted tender contest where the objective is to establish a dynamic purchasing system for the procurement of furniture for offices and conference rooms, primary schools and comprehensive schools and before- and after school-programmes, nurseries and institutions (communal rooms, waiting rooms). The dynamic purchasing system shall apply for procurements for more than NOK 60,000 excluding VAT. Procurements under NOK 60,000 will be made against a framework agreement. The award concerns 21/35: Project 895065 - development of teacher work places - Tindlund Primary School - Furnishing

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