Flexible parts for small arms and light weapons


Selektivt förfarande
2021-10-08 10:18 (GMT+02:00)


Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization
Poul Mariegaard Kristensen Poul Mariegaard Kristensen
Lautrupbjerg 1-5
2750 Ballerup


Section V: Award of contract
Lot No: 1
Lot title
Magazines and accessories for magazines
V.1) Date of contract award decision
V.2) Information about offers:
Number of offers received: 1
Number of offers received by electronic means: 1
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
N/A see section VI.2
Lautrupbjerg 1 - 5
2750 Ballerup
V.4) Information on value of contract
Initial estimated total value of the contract
Currency: 15000000 DKK
Excluding VAT
Total final value of the contract:
Currency: 15000000 DKK

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