Procurement of sustainable/recycled cladding as part of the tender for the building of combined pier and breakwater for Marina City (MC-E2)


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
Ej tillämpligt
2021-10-08 09:26 (GMT+02:00)


Kolding Kommune Kolding Kommune
Nytorv11 Kolding

Kort beskrivning

As part of the forthcoming tender for the construction of deck piers for Marina City, Kolding, Kolding Municipality hereby invites manufacturers / dealers of relevant sustainable / recycled materials to submit feedback on draft documents for part of the forthcoming tender as uploaded to iBinder (see link above). Kolding Municipality seeks to embrace the widest possible group of materials / products that are suitable, and can be produced in the necessary quantities, for the project. As part of this effort, Kolding Municipality wishes to receive technical and other feedback from the market, so that the forthcoming tender conditions for the construction of stage MC-E2 best fit the market for sustainable / recycled products. Please note that the supply of stage MC-E2 will be on the purchase of construction works with expected requirements for the use of sustainable / recycled products for cladding. See II.1.4)

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