Study on Universal Design in the Transport Sector


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2021-09-06 09:35 (GMT+02:00)


Samferdselsdepartementet Samferdselsdepartementet
Andreas Hedum Andreas Hedum
Postboks 8010 Dep.
0030 OSLO


Samferdselsdepartementet [the Ministry of Transport] needs to strengthen the knowledge base connected to the organisation of work with universal design of the transport system and the need for competence building. The Ministry wants to order a study that includes a knowledge summary, description of development, analysis and evaluation of the authority's work and recommendations, with a focus on the necessity of routes for cooperation across organisational barriers. The study must look at multiple forms of transport, the connections between the form of transport and content evaluations relevant for all management levels.

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