Personnel for Corona Testing, Testing Stations in Tromsø


21 - Sociala tjänster och andra särskilda tjänster – offentliga kontrakt
2021-07-28 09:36 (GMT+02:00)
2021-08-23 12:00


Tromsø kommune Tromsø kommune
Gunn Inger Jæger
Rådhuset, Postboks 6900 Langnes
9299 Tromsø

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Tromsø kommune (Tromsø Municipality) c/o the pandemic department hereby invites tenderers to participate in an open tender contest. For procurement of personnel who will assist with maintaining the TISK strategy by implementing testing for Covid-19. Tromsø Municipality offers testing to the municipality's residents under municipal management, but requires assistance from private suppliers to ensure that that at all times, depending on the spread of infection, there is sufficient testing capacity and resources to handle the Covid-19 situation.

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