New Emergency Building in Dale


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2021-07-22 09:16 (GMT+02:00)


Fjaler kommune Fjaler kommune
Arne Strand Arne Strand
Dalstunet 20
6963 Dale


Fjaler municipality calls for tenders for the construction of an emergency building for the Fjaler fire service, the ambulance service in Førde Hospital Trust and a storeroom for the Norwegian Civil Defence. The Emergency building is planned constructed on cadastral no/title No 63/272 in Dale in Sunnfjord. The building is in principle divided into a garage section and a section with changing rooms/washing functions, etc. in level 1. Meeting rooms, living rooms, bedrooms, and offices in level 2. Technical rooms are also located on the 2 level in addition to a technical area on the roof. The building has a footprint of approx. 1 000 m

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