Procurement — Laundry Services for the Home Care Service, Institutions, Residences, etc., for Municipalities in Sunnmøre 2021


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2021-07-09 10:29 (GMT+02:00)


Ålesund kommune Ålesund kommune
Marie Christine Thorstensen
Keiser Wilhelms gate 11
6003 Ålesund


The contracting authority would like to use this procurement to enter into a framework agreement for laundry services for the geographical areas A and B. One contract will be awarded per geographical area. Area A includes Giske, Vestnes, Fjord, Sykkylven and Stranda + Muritunet municipalities. Area B includes Volda, Herøy, Hareid and Sande Municipalities. The objective of the procurement is to cover the requirement for the hire and laundry of work and institutional clothing in accordance with the requirements specification. The service will also include collection and distribution of the textiles for a number of service locations. The procurement will ensure all relevant units in the participating municipalities access to laundry services of right quality, price and delivery time in the contract period.

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