SMELT — Invitation to Participate in Digital Dialogue Meeting Pre-commercial Procurement


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
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2021-07-09 10:28 (GMT+02:00)


Oslo kommune v/ Bymiljøetaten Oslo kommune v/ Bymiljøetaten
Isak Solomon

Kort beskrivning

SMELT – Snow management carried out in an environmentally friendly manner with energy neutralising storage and technology — Invitation to participate in digital dialogue meeting pre-commercial procurement 26 August 2021, 9.00-12.00. Trondheim Municipality, Trøndelag County and Oslo Municipality has received NOK 10 000 000 in support from Forskingsrådet (the Research Council of Norway) for pre commercial procurement of a new solution for managing ploughed snow. We hereby invite innovated businesses, research environments and other stakeholders to an introductory dialogue meeting in order to provide information about the project, contest and process. Snow clearing and removal of snow is considered a necessary task in order to maintain good accessibility, traffic safety and adopted road standards. The aim for an increased proportion of pedestrians and cyclists and requirements for universal design presuppose an infrastructure kept free of snow and ice. The snow cleared from the streets is often very polluted with among other things environmental toxins, micro plastics, gravel, salt and garbage. For environmental considerations, there are strict requirements concerning how snow and melt water should be managed. There is also an increasing challenge that the city areas previously used for temporary disposal of snow are de-prioritised in favour of densification and other common uses. Snow that is removed from road areas is, per definition, to be seen as waste and must be treated as such. The disposal of the snow must be in line with the requirements in the Pollution Act and water regulations and it must not give any danger of pollution for the surrounding environment. Regardless of whether there is little or lots of snow, the need for winter operations will always be present. During the last ten years, Oslo Municipality has removed an average of 327 750 m For more information see the invitation to the digital dialogue meeting. We want to be open to businesses with different specialities within multiple field, research environments, educational institutions and others who can contribute greatly or in small ways to the development and research process. The dialogue process will be set up so as to allow different actors to create consortiums and cooperate to develop solutions.

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