Destination Development for the Innherred Municipalities


02 - Meddelande om upphandling
Öppet förfarande
2021-07-06 09:53 (GMT+02:00)
2021-08-25 12:00


Innherred Innkjøp Innherred Innkjøp
Hilde Melhus
Vennalivegen 7
7670 Inderøy

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The municipalities in the Innherred Procurement Collaboration would like to enter into a new contract for destination development from 1 April 2022. Purpose of the procurement Innherred Procurement would like to enter into a contract with one (1) tenderer for assistance with destination development for the Innherred Municipalities. The aim of the procurement is to enter into a contract that covers the municipalities' need for assistance with the development of the region as a tourism destination. Increased tourism related value creation, employment, and settlement in Innherred. Increased attractiveness for Innherred as a year-round tourism destination for prioritised customer groups. Increased experienced quality for prioritised customer groups. Increased competence in tourism (with particular focus on re-start after the pandemic).

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