Procurement of Project Management


02 - Meddelande om upphandling
Selektivt förfarande
2021-07-02 10:12 (GMT+02:00)
2021-08-20 12:00


Norsk nukleær dekommisjonering (NND) Norsk nukleær dekommisjonering (NND)
Marthe Meese Dolmen
Storgata 2A
1767 Halden

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Norwegian Nuclear Decommissioning has been given the task of clearing up after Norway's nuclear activities at Kjeller and in Halden. The decommissioning of the sites includes the removal of radioactive sources, disassembling equipment and systems, demolishing structures and buildings, and transferring radioactive material to a site that is certified to receive, store and dispose of the material. NND needs hired resources to assist with the management of programmes and the implementation of projects. NND and IFE will establish parallel, non-exclusive framework agreements for the procurement of project management. 1) Senior project manager with responsibility for major projects, for example, responsibility for a project programme; 2) Project manager with minor areas of responsibility including, for example, technical project managers. The contracts will be used by the entire organisation and the objective is to cover NND and IFE's requirement for these services during the contract period. See the tender documentation for further information about the scope and content of the service.

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