Console for an Existing NMR Instrument


15 - Meddelande om frivillig förhandsinsyn
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2021-07-02 10:12 (GMT+02:00)


Nina Simonsen
7491 Trondheim


The procurement is an upgrade to an existing NMR instrument. There is a need to replace the NMR console on the NMR instrument due to its age and the need or newer and better technology. The console must be compatible with the existing equipment (NMR magnet, automatic sample changer, cooling units, and sample holders). There is only one console system on the market (AVANCE NEO from Bruker Biospin) that fulfils this requirement. Procuring a console from another supplier is not an alternative, as this would mean that the rest of the equipment must also be replaced, at an estimated extra cost of NOK 5 000 000-7 000 000.

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