Additional Assistance Tug (AAT) Service Contract


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2021-06-18 10:00 (GMT+02:00)


Femern Bælt A/S Femern Bælt A/S
Anne Bøgh Johansen Femern - Anne Bøgh Johansen
Vester Søgade 10
1601 København V


In connection with the offshore construction activities of the Femern Belt Fixed Link project a Vessel Traffic Service, VTS Fehmarnbelt, will be established as a part of the risk control measures with the purpose of maintaining safety and efficiency for the non-construction ship traffic during the construction phase. As a part of the VTS Fehmarnbelt Additional Assistance Tug (AAT) service will be provided by Femern, as a tool for VTS Fehmarnbelt. This contract relates to the AAT service.

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