Supply of Plastic Sacks


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2021-06-18 09:40 (GMT+02:00)


Dansk Retursystem A/S Dansk Retursystem A/S
Martin Kruse Stine Ullmann-Poulsen
Baldersbuen 1
2640 Hedehusene


The background to this invitation to tender is DRS's obligation to collect deposited beverage packaging’ from customers having subscribed with DRS. The subject-matter of the contract involves the supply of: • large plastic sacks for the collection of beverage packaging made of PET and aluminium; • small plastic sacks for the collection of beverage packaging made of glass (glass bottles). The plastic sacks must be delivered in two different sizes and are referred to as large plastic sacks and small plastic sacks, as described above. Plastic sacks are a collective term for the small plastic sacks and the large plastic sacks. The plastic sacks are used as carriers for the empty deposited beverage packaging when collected by DRS at the customers and transported from the customers to one of DRS’ two sorting plants.

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