Kvietimas dėl "webpage redesign" paslaugos pirkimo


2021-05-27 07:04 (GMT+02:00)
2021-06-08 11:00 (GMT+02:00)


Europos humanitarinis universitetas VšĮ Europos humanitarinis universitetas VšĮ
Oksana Zlotnikova Oksana Vankova
Savičiaus g. 17
LT-01127 Vilnius

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Europos humanitarinis universitetas kviečia teikti pasiūlymus kompanijas, teikiančias puslapių kūrimo paslaugas.
Užsakymo objektas – dabar esamo Urbanist Action Research Cluster projekto  puslapio vizualinio atvaizdavimo keitimas (webpage redesign).Techninis užduoties aprašymas yra pateiktas žemiau.

Apklausa vyksta iki 2021 gegužės 10 d. 12:00. 

Galutinę pasiūlymo kainą prašome pateikti su visais mokesčiais (PVM ar galimai kiti mokesčiai).

Visais techniniais ir dizaino klausimais kviečiame kreiptis į projekto vadovą Siarhei Liubimau tel. +370 607 13803, arba el.p. siarhei.liubimau@ehu.lt
Dėl laisvos formos pasiūlymo teikimo klausimų kviečiame kreiptis į pirkimų organizatorę Oksaną Vankovą,  +370 656 30715, arba el.paštu Oksana.vankova@ehu.lt.
Kilus techniniams Mercell sistemos klausimams kreiptis į klientų aptarnavimo vadybininkę Giedrę Česnulevičienę +37065582875 gice@mercell.com

Development of a website for a University research unit (Laboratory of Critical Urbanism), using Wordpress CMS and Divi Builder or Salient.
Current website: http://criticalurbanism.org
Website should be the functionality of a business card, with added dynamic elements such as blog functionalities.
The homepage consists of 5 different sections with static information about the project, linking to further basic pages specifying those sections. The possibility to embed (multi-)media is requested.
In this website, contact forms, SEO, GDPR cookies or tracking or other pages than described above are not requested.
The current website is already hosted and the deployment of Wordpress.
Content (texts and images) for the website are delivered by client. In terms of design designers will make use of the possibilities of Divi with a fresh looking, modern design in terms of colors and typography.
The website should be responsive (mobile friendly).
- Content will be delivered by client (in time for deadlines)
- Acquiring the right licences for pictures, typesfaces/fonts, and other content isn’t included in this quote.
- Client has a one month period where bugs, mistakes and small changes within the scope of the assignment will be fixed free of charge.
Website development: Total (excluding VAT) -
Terms of development:

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