Assistance with Tableau and Excelerator/Browser


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2021-05-07 10:07 (GMT+02:00)


Universitetet i Oslo Universitetet i Oslo
Kjell-Gunnar Linde Thomsen Kjell-Gunnar Linde Thomsen
Klaus Torgårds vei 3 Sogn Arena 4. etasje
0372 Oslo


Delivery in connection with the BOTT project and ongoing assistance after the project. A contract for assistance with the project has been entered into with KPMG AS and a framework agreement with KPMG AS and a framework agreement with CGI AS. It is estimated the the assistance from CGI includes 40 hours per year. The assistance from KPMG is estimated to be 150 hours per year. When calculating value use an hourly rate of NOK 1 200, even if the hourly price is different in the contract. The project is estimated to be 1 000 hours.

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