Pulje - Roadmaps for mission-driven green research and innovation partnerships (Innomission-roadmaps)


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2021-04-23 12:03 (GMT+02:00)
2021-05-12 12:00 (GMT+02:00)


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Roadmaps for mission-driven green research and innovation partnerships (Innomission-roadmaps)

Innovation Fund Denmark will invest in mission-driven green research and innovation partnerships (Innomission-partnerships), which will accelerate the development of cutting-edge solutions ranging all the way from strategic coherent research to commercialization, with an equal focus on short-, mid - and long term impact. First phase is this call for roadmaps

Knowledge institutions, Research and Technology Organisations (GTS institutes), companies (start-up, SME, large companies), investors, municipalities, cluster organisations, etc.

Roadmaps that describe challenges and gaps within the mission, strongholds and potential and sketch key activities and relevant workstream themes for the future Innomission-partnerships.

Hvor meget?
No amount. But based on the board’s decision on Innomission-roadmaps a call for Innomission-partnerships will be announced.

Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD) calls for Innomission-roadmaps to be used as a basis for mission-driven green research and innovation partnerships within four areas:

1.Capture and storage or use of CO2
2. Green fuels for transport and industry (Power-to-X, etc.)
3. Climate- and environment-friendly agriculture and food production
4. Circular economy with a focus on plastics and textiles

Denmark is committed to act on and reduce climate changes and has set very ambitious goals in relation to climate and environment. These goals must be reached within a very short time frame.

To fulfil the ambitions the government has set aside approximately DKK 700 million in 2021 covering investments in mission-driven green research and innovation partnerships (Innomission-partnerships) within the four areas mentioned above.

The partnership investment duration is expected to cover a five-year period, but it is expected that the partnerships sustain to ensure that the goals are reached.

The government’s green research strategy “Green Solutions of the Future” (September 2020) points out that the four mission-driven green research and innovation partnerships as described above will:

1. contribute to achieve the target of 70% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in Denmark by 2030 and net-zero emissions by 2050, and strengthen environment and nature, and
2. contribute to increased competitiveness of Danish business and industry.

Achieving these ambitious goals requires a new type of policy action, also in terms of innovation support.

The Innomission partnerships move beyond existing programs offered by IFD, putting the type of individual innovation efforts usually supported into the context of a broader strategic plan based on broad coordination and commitment across the entire value chain.

Innomission-roadmaps are therefor likely to cover the entire value chain and collects all driving forces from researchers, investors, existing and new industries, technology providers, education and talents, legislators and authorities to users and customers, and will include description of technical, implementation/regulatory, and business/financial pathways to the vision.

The expectation is that roadmaps lay out a pathway to accelerate the development of cutting-edge green solutions through strategic and coherent green research ranging from strategic research to commercialisation.

The selection process for investments in the Innomission-partnerships (phase 2, see below) is based on thorough developed Innomission-roadmaps (developed in phase 1) identifying and selecting strategic initiatives to achieve the ambitious goals on climate and environment.

The selection of the most compelling Innomission-roadmaps in each of the four mission domains is the first phase in developing and selecting the partnerships with the highest impact on the 2030 and 2050 goals.

The developed Innomission-roadmaps must include current challenges, inflections points and gaps within the mission, outline strongholds and potentials and propose goals, milestones and key activities needed to achieve the clearly defined impact.

The Innomission-roadmaps content will form the backbone of the second phase that is a call for Innomission-partnerships.

The character of Innomission-roadmaps may be different from mission to mission, reflecting the current maturity of existing technologies as well as the various challenges within each mission.

The initial focus of the partnerships is to reach the goals set for 2030 (70% CO2 reduction), but it is expected that the Innomission-roadmaps will also sketch pathways to reach the vision for 2050.

Back-tracking from 2050 and 2030 the Innomission-roadmap should describe key challenges, inflection points and gaps within the specific mission, of which the period leading up to 2030 will naturally be more specific – and being mindful that the pathways to fulfil both the 2030 and 2050 vision lie outside the specific timeframe of the investment in Innomission-partnerships (five year time-frame).

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