Manager Education for Educational Managers


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2021-04-23 10:24 (GMT+02:00)


Oslo kommune v/ Byrådsavdeling for oppvekst og kunnskap Oslo kommune v/ Byrådsavdeling for oppvekst og kunnskap
Omar Attique
Rådhusplassen 1
0037 Oslo


Oslo's municipal nursery schools follow various Oslo standards as well as participate in initiatives such as Barnehjernevernet, Oslohjelpa and trauma-informed municipality. In order to safeguard good and appropriate implementation of the general initiatives and guidelines, it is necessary that educational managers in Oslobarnehagen [the Oslo Nursery Schools] have good manager competence and that content in the education supports and builds on the municipality's own initiatives. The education will contribute to educational managers developing as leaders and acting professionally in meeting the different requirements they meet in everyday work. They should experience mastering and security in the leadership role and to a large degree have competence concerning the nursery school's social assignments and exercise management in line with the municipality's own initiatives.

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