Stores data management system provision pk-MD-IS-21-0005


2021-07-08 12:14 (GMT+02:00)
2021-05-31 16:00 (GMT+02:00)


Palink UAB Palink UAB
Gintarė Dunkauskaitė Gintarė Dunkauskaitė
Lentvario g. 33
LT-02241 Vilnius

Anbudet er kansellert

Kort beskrivning

UAB  Palink announces a tender for Stores data management system provision and inviting to send your offers.
All the prices  in the tender Documents must be presented in  EUR without VAT in net prices.
Delivery place Lentvaris str. 33, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Proposal must be set up via  Mercell platform  by 2021-04-23
If you need more information about purchase please do not hesitate to contact Rimantas Užubalis, Digital project manager phone number: +370 614 11039, email:
If you have  Mercell platform questions please do not hesitate to contact by phone No.. +370 64550371, e-mail:

Dokument (klicka på filnamnet för att ladda ner)

Namn Filstorlek
Requirements.docx 22 KB
info about company.xlsx 27 KB

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