Programmable Oven with Membrane for Thermo Compression Bond


15 - Meddelande om frivillig förhandsinsyn
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2021-03-30 09:26 (GMT+02:00)


Aalborg Universitet Aalborg Universitet
Morten Denaa Morten Denaa
Fredrik Bajers Vej 7K
9220 Aalborg Øst


Aalborg University Department of Energy Technology needs to purchase a programmable oven with membrane for thermo compression bonding applications that can accommodate a number of state of the art die attach and thermal treatment processes processing requirements at temperatures up to 300 ºC with a uniform temperature distribution. The system should be batch system enabling the production of several prototypes in a controlled a programmable manner and should enable state of the art die attach processes such as low pressure sintering and thermo compression bonding aided processes such as transient liquid phase bonding in a flexible manner. To address relevant processing needs the system must be capable of applying moderate pressure (up to 5 Barr) during thermal treatment over an area up to 6 inch diameter to allow parallel processing of several components and the process should be able to controlled in a programmable manner.

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