043-0151/21-3000 - Innovation Action (IA) H2020 project AVANT (project number 862829, www.avant-project.eu)


101 - Varor och tjänster
2021-03-04 12:48 (GMT+01:00)
2021-03-24 23:59 (GMT+01:00)


Københavns Universitet Københavns Universitet
Kristian Jensen
Nørregade 10
1165 København K

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The objective of the Innovation Action (IA) H2020 project AVANT (project number 862829, www.avant-project.eu) is to reduce antimicrobial consumption in pig farming by validating alternative strategies and interventions. Such alternatives include pre- and probiotics, faecal microbiota transplantation, novel veterinary medicinal products containing bacteriophages and polymers, injectable and oral immunostimulants, feed additive products, and alternative feeding strategies.

A survey is planned to study the opinion of consumers, veterinarians and pig farmers on the acceptance of the different alternatives to antimicrobials tested in the project. The project consortium is seeking an external associate specialized in planning, implementing, and analyzing opinion surveys. The successful candidate will not have ownership or rights to disseminate data or results derived from this task.

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