RIM and Auditor (BREEAM), Children and Respite Flats


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2021-03-03 09:51 (GMT+01:00)


Ålesund kommunale eigedom Ålesund kommunale eigedom
Torhild Nordtveit
Postboks 1521
6025 Ålesund


The contracting authority, c/o Ålesund municipal property shall construct a children and respite home at Flisnes in Ålesund municipality. According to the plan, the tender documentation for the contract shall be prepared before Easter 2020. The contracting authorithy shall enter into a contract with a consulting engineer for the environment (Norwegian: RIM) who can contribute to the preparation of the tender documentation and the evaluation of tenders in the tender competition, and an auditor who can audit the consulting engineer for the environment's (Norwegian: RIM) work. The consulting engineer for the environment (Norwegian: RIM) must be approved by BREEAM-NOR AP. The auditor must be BREEAM certified.

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