Invitation to Market Dialogue for the Procurement of Basic Services for the Operation of Lovisenberg Omsorg +


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
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2021-01-29 10:16 (GMT+01:00)


Oslo Kommune v/Bydel St Hanshaugen Oslo Kommune v/Bydel St Hanshaugen
Synnøve Jørgensen

Kort beskrivning

District St Hanshaugen (BSH) needs to enter into a contract with a provider for the operation of basic services Lovisenberg Omsorg +. BSH is hereby inviting potential market participants to one-on-one meeting for information from the market. We want through the dialogue meetings to gather information from various participants so that we can prepare the tender documentation based on inputs we receive from the market. District St Hanshaugen (BSH) needs to enter into a contract with a provider for the operation of basic services Lovisenberg Omsorg +. BSH is hereby inviting potential market participants to one-on-one meeting for information from the market. We want through the dialogue meetings to gather information from various participants so that we can prepare the tender documentation based on inputs we receive from the market.

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