Framework Agreement for Textbooks and Digital Teaching Aids


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2021-01-29 10:15 (GMT+01:00)


Vestby kommune Vestby kommune
Karl Anders Øvrelid
Vestby rådhus Rådhusgt. 1
1541 Vestby


Frogn, Nesodden, Vestby, Ås and Nordre Follo municipalities are the contracting authority. The procurement includes delivery of teaching aids with i.a. teacher instruction booklets, copy originals, exercise booklets, key and concretisation materials for primary and secondary schools, before- and after-school care, nursery schools, and the adult education. The aim of the contract is to have access to a wide-range and diversity of teaching aids so that schools can have a choice and flexibility in their teaching.

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