Lot 2: Onshore Third-Party Liability (TPL) Construction Insurance


2021-03-06 09:51 (GMT+01:00)
2021-05-12 12:00 (GMT+02:00)
2021-04-26 12:00 (GMT+02:00)


Willis Towers Watson Willis Towers Watson
Geena Cen Geena Cen
Rundforbivej 303
2850 Nærum

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Lot details: Third-Party Liability EUR 37,000,000 and further sums/limits according to the attached document "Risk and Insurance Information".

Filer från huvudupphandlingen

Namn Filstorlek
BORL (document a).pdf 292 KB
CPL Wording (document i).pdf 1017 KB
Demontering af luftledninger vejledning (document g).pdf 918 KB
Endrup stationstegning (document j).pdf 1,64 MB
ITT_2020_July_APP_A_Evaluation West Coast Line (document L).pdf 117 KB
ITT_2020_July_APP_B_Negotiation Procedure West Coast Line (document m).pdf 81 KB
ITT_2020_July_APP_C_Form of Tender_TenderReplySlips WestCoastLine (doc n).pdf 138 KB
ITT_2020_July_APP_D_Letter Of Commitment West Coast Line (document o).pdf 67 KB
ITT_2020_July_Main Doc_Instructions West Coast Line (document b).pdf 211 KB
Kvalitetsstyringsstrategi - (QHSE Strategy) (document h).pdf 159 KB
List of crossings (document f).pdf 40 KB
Montage vejledning til Thor-gi bæremast - Rev 4 (document d).pdf 4,87 MB
Project Overview revision 15 JAN 2021 (document c).pdf 714 KB
Risk and Insurance Information Projekt Vestkysten (document k).pdf 1,20 MB
Test Rapport Thor mast (document e).pdf 3,97 MB

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