Traffic Package 4


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
Ej tillämpligt
2020-10-30 10:42 (GMT+01:00)


Jernbanedirektoratet Jernbanedirektoratet
Rikard Waag Rikard Waag
Postboks 16 sentrum
0101 Oslo

Kort beskrivning

The contract applies to a traffic agreement for publicly purchased passenger train transport in the central area of Eastern Norway. The tentative scope of Traffic Package 4: • L1 Spikkestad – Lillestrøm • L2 Stabekk – Ski •L21 Stabekk – Moss • L22 Skøyen – Mysen (– Rakkestad) • R20 Oslo S - Halden • L3 Oslo S – Jaren • R30 Oslo S – Gjøvik. The train service on the sections includes regional and local train traffic. If the information changes, the Norwegian Railway Directorate will publish a correction as soon as possible. See also point II.2.4).

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