Resource Vehicles


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
Ej tillämpligt
2020-10-02 10:00 (GMT+02:00)


Politiets Fellestjenester Politiets Fellestjenester
Luc Martin Luc Martin
Postboks 116
2714 Jaren

Kort beskrivning

Norwegian Police Shared Services (Norwegian abbreviation PFT) is planning to initiate a public procurement process to purchase Resource vehicles. The main goal of this RFI is to secure that the requirements are aligned with what the market has to offer. The goal of the coming procurement is to supply the Norwegian police with vehicles that have more resources and capabilities than ordinary patrol vehicles. The resource vehicle is mainly for the emergency response units. The product will replace an earlier contract, and will be one of several contracts for police patrol vehicles. The vehicle is expected to operate in all parts of Norway, all year. This means that they are expected to handle all weather conditions in the Norwegian climate. We would like responses from all vendors that have solutions covering the needs described in our specifications or comments about the ways needs/specifications are written and organised. Norwegian Police Shared Services (Norwegian abbreviation PFT) issues this request for information (RFI) on behalf of the National Police Directorate. PFT is planning to initiate a public procurement process to purchase resource vehicles. The main goal of this RFI is to secure that the requirements are aligned with what the market has to offer. The goal of the coming procurement is to supply the Norwegian police with vehicles that have more resources and capabilities than ordinary patrol vehicles. The resource vehicle is mainly for the emergency response units. The product will replace an earlier contract, and will be one of several contracts for police patrol vehicles. The resource vehicle is a vehicle that will cover the operational needs, as well as the transportation and mobility needs, of the police emergency response units (norwegian abbreviation UEH). UEH are the police districts' specially trained units against terror and sabotage and are expected to carry out armed missions, searches for armed individuals and other similar operations. UEH are also part of the patrolling units in the police districts. The vehicle is expected to operate in all parts of Norway, all year. This means that they are expected to handle all weather conditions in the Norwegian climate. We would like responses from all vendors that have solutions covering the needs described in our specifications or comments about the ways needs/specifications are written and organised. We do not expect long detailed answers, but your comments/points should be clearly answered to enable the Norwegian Police to achieve the objective of this RFI.

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