Mobile Mapping of National Roads in Denmark. Invitation to Market Dialogue


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
Ej tillämpligt
2020-09-18 09:39 (GMT+02:00)


Vejdirektoratet Vejdirektoratet
Svend Elgaard Svend Elgaard
Thomas Helsteds Vej 11
8660 Skanderborg

Kort beskrivning

The Danish Road Directorate (Vejdirektoratet) are planning to put a contract to tender about mobile mapping of the national roads in Denmark, i.e. with point cloud data and 360-degree photos. The task is to be solved in 2021. Before the contract is put to tender, there is a hearing about the specifications which are available on the Internet address specified in item I.1). Interested companies are called on to forward their comments to the specifications considering that the specifications are planned to form the basis for making an offer with fixed price for solving the task. The Danish Road Directorate wish to clarify if the specifications are sufficiently precise and detailed for this purpose. Please forward your comments not later than 14 October 2020 to Comments may be forwarded in English or in Danish. The Danish Road Directorate reserves the right to invite a few companies to a short meeting to discuss the comments. Meetings may be on video. The procurement is described in II.1.4). The date of publication in II.3) is an estimation.

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