Automated product information capturing


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2020-08-24 10:04 (GMT+02:00)
2020-09-25 12:00 (GMT+02:00)


Sikkerhedsstyrelsen (The Danish Safety Technology Authority) Sikkerhedsstyrelsen (The Danish Safety Technology Authority)
René Petersen
Esbjerg Brygge 30
6700 Esbjerg

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Background to the purchase

The Danish Safety Technology Authority (DSTA) is responsible for product safety in Denmark. The authority aims to set the standard in safety technology in Denmark, Europe and internationally. In order to achieve this, DSTA has undergone a general digital transformation in the recent years.

DSTA conducts around 5000 product inspections a year. Today, the inspector must manually note information about the product, e.g. product name, EAN number, item number as well as importer and manufacturer information, etc. This process is administratively burdensome for both the business community and the Danish Safety Technology Authority. The aim of this procurement is to digitize the process for physical product inspections. DSTA therefore wants to purchase a digital solution for automated product information capturing.

Find more information about how DSTA conducts market surveillance in the annual report for 2019.

Description of the purchase

The digital solution works so that an inspector scans/photographs a product (packaging label) with his tablet, after which relevant product information is captured automatically in DSTA´s existing tool for data capture (SPOT). The solution is expected to contain technology, which ensures that the solution is continuously improved with a minimal application of manual feedback/training in addition to DSTAs normal use.

DSTA is responsible of surveillance of a wide range of products (for example toys, tobacco products and fireworks). The solution therefor must be able to work across the agency's current product portfolio as well as incorporate any future additions of product groups.

Dokument (klicka på filnamnet för att ladda ner)

Namn Filstorlek
Annex 1 - Description of the purchase.docx 29 KB
Annex 2 - Draft contract.docx 1,15 MB
Annex 3 - Template for declaration of notification of personal data.docx 35 KB
Advertising conditions.docx 1,13 MB

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