Consultancy Services for Development and Assessment of the Oslo Schools' Reading Tests


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2020-07-01 10:16 (GMT+02:00)


Oslo kommune v/ Utdanningsetaten Oslo kommune v/ Utdanningsetaten
Anders Grotterød
Postboks 6127 Etterstad
0602 Oslo


The Oslo schools have a separate test plan where the state and municipal tests are included. The tests generate information on the students' fundamental skills and their competence. Students in Oslo schools must complete municipal tests in mathematics/calculations, reading, natural science and digital skills. The tests in mathematics and digital skills are developed by internal resources. The reading and natural science tests are developed, analysed and returned by using external specialist environments. The Department of Education does not have the required competence and available resources that are needed for follow-up reading tests. Through this call for tenders the Department of Education wants to enter into a contract with a specialists environment for the below listed tests: • Oslo’s reading test for the 6 • transition reading tests for the 4 • transition reading tests for the 7

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