Open Tender Contest for the Procurement of Teaching in Biological Diversity for the Education Agency in Oslo


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2020-07-01 10:16 (GMT+02:00)


Oslo kommune v/ Utdanningsetaten Oslo kommune v/ Utdanningsetaten
Anders Grotterød
Postboks 6127 Etterstad
0602 Oslo


The Education Agency would like pupils in Oslo schools to learn about biological diversity and human influences through using particularly suitable nature areas close to the city. The teaching will be seen as a supplement to the schools' own teaching in accordance with the competence goals in the Knowledge Lift, the general part of the curriculum, as well as the new curriculum that will be used in autumn 2020. The aim is to ensure that pupils get relevant and updated knowledge and information on biological diversity, with a particular focus on natural science, but we would like the teaching to include other subjects and, at the same time, form attitudes. The pupils must have activities through outside field work.

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